Michelle Smith Therapies


Reiki is a form of energy healing that helps the life force to flow freely leaving a sense of deep peace,  harmony and well-being. 

Reiki is a spiritual healing method first practised in Japan. It was founded in the early 20th century by Dr Mikao Usui.
The word Reiki is a Japanese word for spiritual energy.

Energy is within everything, nourishing and maintaining all living things. Like a river, when the energy flows freely in, around and through our bodies systems there is balance and harmony; this is when we experience a sense of well being and our life flows easily. When the energy becomes blocked or stagnant we may experience illness, emotional turbulence, or generally feeling disconnection or imbalance.

Reiki healing, may work on the emotional, physical and spiritual layers by helping the energy move freely, gently supporting general health and wellbeing.

it is not possible to direct the reiki energy to specific parts of your body. It will naturally find its way to where it is needed most.

This is a deeply relaxing hands on or off treatment where the client remains fully clothed and lies under a blanket either on the couch or seated. As the energy flows, a deep sense of relaxation, calmness and well-being may be experienced, it is truly magical. 

Hopi Ear Candles 

Ear candles have a purely physical function. A light suction action (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame create a gentle massage on the eardrum. This induces a pleasant warm feeling and a balance of pressure in the ears, sinuses and forehead. It is soothing and helpful for ear ache, ear noise, stress and nervousness. A Hopi Ear Candles appointment may also improve nasal breathing and enhance your sense of smell.

The candle is a hollow cylinder tube (it does not have a wick) and is placed in the ear having lit the other end. The candle contains numerous herbal and essential oils and tinctures; these include flax, honey, St Johns Wort, beeswax, sage and camomile.

Hopi Ear Candles may help with a whole range of conditions:

• Migraines and headaches
• Snoring
• Colds and Flu
• Noises in the ear
• Release blocked sinuses and built up pressure
• Reducing wax build up
*Increase blood flow to the treated area promoting healing

The Hopi Ear Candle appointment is relaxing and calming and may create a balance feeling. It aids alertness, concentration and clearer thinking.

  1. You will be asked to lay on your side, and then an ear candle, made of flax and imbued with natural remedial ingredients such as beeswax, honey and herbs, will be delicately placed inside your ear. Your therapist will ask you if everything is ok and you want to proceed!
  2. The top of the candle (a foot or two above your head), will be carefully lit. This is where the magic begins!
  3. Enter physics! Probably the last thing you want to think about during treatment. The hot flame at the top of the candle draws air from your ear canal up to the flame, creating negative pressure in your ear. This helps to loosen earwax and may  improve nasal and sinus airflow. Additionally, the sound of crackles can be heard a gentle reaction inside the candle can vibrate through the ear and massage the eardrum, as well as being a very pleasant sensation.
  4. The candle will burn for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be complemented with a massage of the outer ear – which not only feels great but can also help dislodge blockages from the inner ear.
  5. A massage of the face will complete this  deeply relaxing session.

Hopi Ear Candles are not advised if grommets are in place, you have a known allergic reaction to the ingredients, oil has been placed in the ear in the last 24 hours or you suffer from inflammation or an ear infection.

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